Divorce Coaching
Divorce Coaching
Divorce coaches are professionals with specialized training to help couples manage emotions, strengthen communication, facilitate conflict, and create plans to meet unique family needs through pre-divorce, divorce, and post-divorce issues. They act as an independent third party to provide guidance, encouragement, motivation, and support.
As a collaboratively trained mediator with a specialization in high conflict divorces, Liz helps couples and individuals communicate better, manage conflict, navigate strong emotions, and manage expectations. She also helps you learn how to negotiate, how to support your children, how to prepare for life post-divorce, and fill in the gaps that an attorney cannot support you with.
Divorce Coaching Services
A few things Liz does as your Divorce Coach are:
- Walk you through the process, step by step.
- Support and prepare you so you aren’t blindsided by surprises.
- Make a plan for co-parenting, create a parenting plan, and envision your life post-divorce
- Help manage your emotions and feelings so that they don’t interfere with negotiations.
- Prepare you for mediation and improve your negotiation skills
- Improve your communication skills so that you can reduce conflict
- Set goals and realistic expectations
Ultimately, she strives to reduce the amount of legal fees, remove roadblocks and procrastination, provide emotional support, and help with communication, organization, and preparation.
High Conflict Divorces
About 30% of divorces in the US involve parties who are classified as “high conflict.” This includes people with narcissistic personalities, bipolar disorder, or other personality disorders, and they tend to have these characteristics:
- Preoccupation with blaming
- All-or-nothing thinking
- Unmanageable emotions
- Extreme behavior
And the divorce process only increases these behaviors.
With tactics such as “gaslighting” to manipulate people and systems and gain power, these high conflict individuals will lie, obfuscate, ignore deadlines, refuse to comply with court orders, and waste time, money, and energy in order to win.
We specialize in High Conflict Divorces and have made it our mission to support those involved with high conflict individuals through legal services and empowering solutions. Book a consultation with us to learn more.
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What is a Divorce Coach?
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